Business Legal Advice: Starting Up

EPO Solicitors Business Legal Advice Group of people setting up a new business

Start-Up Business Legal Advice: Understanding the Legal Requirements Starting a business can be an exciting and rewarding venture, but it is important to understand the legal requirements involved in the process. Failure to comply with legal requirements can result in fines, legal liabilities, and even the closure of your business. At Eddowes, Perry, & Osborne…

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What is involved in family law?

family law probate and estate administration

Family law is a subset of the law that focuses on issues involving family connections, such as child custody, adoption, divorce and marriage. Family law attorneys can defend clients during hearings in family court or other pertinent agreements, and in addition, they can draught important legal documents like property agreements or court petitions. Some family…

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An introduction to Deputyship Orders and the Court of Protection

What is a Deputyship Order? A Deputyship order is applied for when a person loses mental capacity without having a valid Enduring Power of Attorney or Lasting Power of Attorney in place. This order is granted by the Court of Protection; a court which makes decisions for those that can’t decide on matters themselves. A…

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Lasting Powers of Attorney

Lasting Powers of Attorney: what you need to know Now, more than ever, we are conscious of our health and what would happen if something were to happen to us. When we think about planning for the future, we often consider making a Will, but what if you were to lose capacity or become unable…

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Our Firm

We have a wealth of experience and knowledge in Conveyancing that means we can take care of the whole process for you whether you’re a first-time buyer, seller, re-mortgaging, buying to let or need a transfer of equity after a divorce or separation. We have been buying and selling properties since 1650 and have an…

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